about us
About Us
Are you a skilled photographer with an eye on details? Why not share your lovely images with us and earn from them?
Photo Becho is an incredible platform that invites creators to share their beautifully captured images with us. We will buy pictures from you and share them on our platform with people looking for them. You can look forward to earning a handsome return for your images from us. Depending on the quality of the images, your pictures will fetch you a good price.
At Photo Becho, we provide our clients with thousands of stock photos. Our pool of beginner and expert photographers add to our repertoire of images every day. You can become one of them and share your beautifully captured, high-resolution images with us. We will pay you for the same. You also earn a royalty amount for you images when they're further used by a buyer.
Photo Sources
We add thousands of images to our extensive database. These images are shared with us by a pool of photographers who are associated with Photo Becho. We ensure that each image added to our database is high quality and high-resolution. Earn a good price and royalty on your images.
Photobecho is run by Kshitij Gupta, Akshay Gupta and Arushi Gupta. Kshitij Gupta and Akshay Gupta co-founded Photobecho together in 2020 and Arushi Gupta joined them in 2021.
We aim at helping thousands of creators to share and get access to brilliant images using our platform. We welcome both contributors and creators who need these images to enhance their creative products. We are thus a platform that "Inspire Creators."